Thursday, September 23, 2010

To the bitter end.

It was the calm before the storm. Outside the bunkhouse, George stood like a statue, there, blocking the path of Curley. Who was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at anything in his path. The sweat trickled down from George's brow, for Curly held in his hand the shotgun of Crooks, the stable buck. "All's I'm askin' is for you to reconsider" murmured George again, without even a flinch. Curley shifted on his feet, it looked like he was about to say something but he remained silent. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Curley ambitiously took a step towards his target. He had his sights set on George.Even recognizing the danger, George held his place. "You are a fool to think you can stop me" proclaimed Curley.

Monday, September 13, 2010

FLASH! I'm gone.

I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere!

     My superpower of choice is teleportation. I want to be at the base of a mountain and with the blink of an eye, be standing at the peak. With the ability to teleport, I could go anywhere in the world and beyond. Teleportation is the best superpower because you can escape any dangerous situation and get away with everything. I would use my power to teleport for the sole purpose to entertain myself. The first thing I would do is jump off a building and teleport myself back to the top, just because I could! Next I would embark on a ski adventure in Alaska. Skiing would have an entire new feel. I could stand in a valley, surrounded by snowy mountains, and ski any line in sight. Over and over again. At the end of an enjoyable ski day, I would zip off to an exotic location like Hawaii or Mexico. There would be a large variety of locations that I could go to in a day. But when the sun goes down or I grow tired of a lengthy adventure, I would return to my home in the beautiful city of Penticton. NOT! I would go somewhere way better.